Allergies & Nutritional Supplements

Allergies can be healed naturally with chiropractic care and also changes in lifestyle and the foods you eat. Dr. Anthony also shares one product we use in our practice from Biotics Research Corporation that has proven effective to help our practice members. To view the product, please go here, or come visit us at our chiropractic practice in Westlake, Ohio.

Allergies & Chiropractic

This month at our practice we are looking at allergies. Did you know chiropractic can help allergies naturally? In this video, Dr. Anthony shares how our adjusting techniques relieve allergies, sometimes almost instantly. For additional information on allergies and healing them naturally, click here to view articles authored by Dr. Bob, you'll be glad you did!

The Drugless Doctors is a chiropractic and nutrition-based practice in Westlake and Elyria, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. We can't wait to help you!

Half-Hour to Health: Allergies

Today and tomorrow is our monthly Half-Hour to Health and this month we are focusing on allergies. Here is the video recap of our entire talk that we had, and below are our notes from the talk including in-office product specials and upcoming events. Thank you for watching and letting us help you improve your quality of life without medication!

What frustrates you about allergies?

-Decreases quality of life, can't go outside, itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, lower immune system


There is even a place on the weather to look at allergies, colds, and flus weather you should go outside?

Drugless Solutions

1. Subluxation

A. Misalignment of the spine changes the messages that the brain sends to the body – getting adjusted clears sinuses

2. Medications-

A. Covers up the symptoms

B. Terrible side effects

3.  Digestion

A. Improper digestion and consumption of the wrong foods are one of the leading causes of allergies

4.  Immune system

A. Subpar immune function can also contribute to allergies

5. Adrenal fatigue

A. Are you tired? Even after sleeping a full night? Does bright light bother your eyes? Do you crave salt?

B. All of these are signs that your adrenals need some help in order to fight off allergies.

6.  Food stressors

A. Food sensitivities by the person that can be causing the challenge

B. Get a food stressor done to evaluate if there are foods that may be contributing to the problem.

Action Steps

1. Get adjusted

2. Get to the root of the issue: nervous system, clean up digestion, support adrenals, address foods

Supplements that help with allergies

1. Histoplex AB – A major help to those suffering with allergies – boosts the bodies inborn way of fighting allergies

2. Intenzyme-Forte – helps to clean up inflammation and digestion in the body

3. Bio-Glycozyme Forte – great multivitamin for blood sugar and adrenal stress.

Specials this Month

1. Food Stressor Test – On special for $25 normally 50, Histoplex AB is on special %10 off.

2. May 4th at Noon – Half Hour to Health on Posture

3. May 5th- Women’s Wellness Event – 12:30 -2 or 6:30 to 8:00 – Great event to bring friends and family. Please RSVP your seat.

4. May 12th – Dr. Bob will be the headline speaker for March Against Monsanto

TDD: Detoxification

Each day at our practice we have individuals wondering what is the best way to cleanse and "detox" their body. In this TDD episode, we share how do to just that. Tomorrow night, we're continuing the conversation at TownHall Restaurant in Cleveland and we'd love it for your to join us. You can RSVP for free by clicking here.

Your Nervous System & Chiropractic

Did you know that chiropractic care can help improve your brain function and nervous system? Dr. Casen shares how an aligned spine opens up the rest of your body to receiving optimal brain output. For more information about your brain and nervous system, please go here, here, and here. To contact The Drugless Doctors chiropractic practice in Westlake, please go here. We can't wait to help you! 

In Case Of Diarrhea

Diarrhea can happen to the best of us, and in this video, Dr. Anthony shares one product we recommend in our practice that can help you feel better. We have the product available in our Westlake and Elyria chiropractic practices.

For additional information on optimal colon health, please visit Dr. Bob's site here.

Peppermint & Your Digestion

Have you wondered why they have peppermint candy at restaurants after you finish the meal? Dr. Anthony shares how actual peppermint can help aid your digestion in this quick video. For more information about the product Dr. Anthony is holding, please go here

TDD: Cancer Prevention

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word: Cancer? In our new "The Drugless Doctor", we look at ways that you can prevent cancer including lifestyle modification.

If you are visiting our blog for the first time, we have been able to help many practice members prevent and stop cancer and we would love to help you at our chiropractic and nutrition-based practice in Westlake and Elyria, OH. Please contact us here.

Simple Home Remedies

This month at our practice we are looking at simple home remedies, whether it be cleaning, cooking, or even preparing for spring. In this video, Dr. Casen shares about a product that we use at home and on the go. You can find more information here.

For more information about our chiropractic practice in Westlake and Elyria, Ohio, please contact us. We look forward to helping you achieve optimal health!

TDD: PCOS & Infertility

Increasingly, we are finding female practice members and those in the general public unable to conceive. Another common condition we are noticing is polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. Both of these conditions can be helped with drugless and chiropractic care, and we discuss more in this episode of The Drugless Doctor. If you have questions about either of these conditions, please consider contacting our chiropractic practice in Westlake or Elyria.

Vitamin D & Women's Health

Did you know vitamin D can help prevent breast cancer? Dr. Casen suggests why adding a few drops to your nutrition routine everyday can restore optimal health. For additional information, please visit this page.

If you also have questions about our new breast thermography service and how it can help you, please contact us.

Liquid Iodine & Women's Health

A few weeks ago we introduced breast thermography as our newest service to help you towards optimal health restoration. Today, Dr. Casen continues the conversation about why you should consider liquid iodine and applying it topically to certain organs. For more information, please visit this link.

If you would like to find out more about breast thermography, or to visit our chiropractic practice here in Westlake, Ohio, please contact us, we can't wait to help you!

Heart Health & Omega-3 Fats

Did you know there are oils and fats your body needs everyday? In this quick video, Dr. Anthony shares what oils he takes everyday and lists a few others for you as well. To view them on our sister site, please go here, here, and here. Also, Dr. Bob goes more into detail in his "Trans Fat Survival Guide", where he share what oils you DO NOT want to consume, EVER! If you have questions about heart health or what oils you should be taking everyday, please consider contacting us at our Westlake or Elyria wellness practices.

TDD: Breast Health

Yesterday we introduced a new service (breast thermography) at our practice. In yesterday's blog post, Dr. Casen shared briefly what this will look like and we will also be rolling out more information this week. In this "The Drugless Doctor" episode, we look further into breast health and how our new service is designed to help give you answers in order for you to make the best drugless decisions regarding your personal health. For more information, please contact us here, we'd love to talk to you!

New Service: Breast Thermography

We are happy to introduce a new service especially for women! We are beginning Breast Thermography sessions, in which Dr. Casen shares what that is and why it is an effective alternative for optimal women's health. If you would like more information, please visit us here and we will be happy to assist you.

TDD: Cholesterol

How is your cholesterol? Are you on a statin medication? In our practice, cholesterol is one of the top health concerns of our practice members and we are often able to naturally help their numbers. In this episode of The Drugless Doctor, our team shares tips to keep your cholesterol healthy. Enjoy! 

Posture Tips

Did you know the way you stand (posture) can affect the health of your entire body? Dr. Casen shares a quick exercise you can do RIGHT NOW to help improve your upward mobility. If you are someone who wants to improve their posture, please come and visit our Westlake or Elyria chiropractic practice, we would love to help you!

#TBT: H2H Detoxification

We love to have fun at our practice, and we were able to find some old videos of Dr. Bob at our old practice in Elyria for his "Half-Hour to Health". This is a three-part video series on detoxification. His style may have been updated, but the information will still help you, enjoy!

To come visit us in our Westlake and Elyria chiropractic practices, please go here.

TDD: Detoxification

One of the top questions we receive daily at our practice is, "How do I detoxify my body?". Many of us also want to cleanse our body the right way when beginning a new year, and we recently taped a "The Drugless Doctor" episode on detoxification. You can also view and download Dr. Bob's "Cleanse & Purify" devotional, now on YouVersion. If you have any questions, or would like to visit our chiropractic practice in Westlake, please go here. We would love to help you!

Marilyn & Sarah: Female Hormones

One of our long-time friends in our practice is Marilyn Hickey and her daughter, Sarah Bowling. Dr. Bob recently sat down with them as a guest on their television program to discuss female hormones and what are drugless and natural steps you can do to balance them. Please click the video below to watch and contact us for more information in order to help you.