January: Thyroid Awareness Month

January: Thyroid Awareness Month

Hi Everyone!

January is Thyroid Awareness Month, and Dr. Bob is here today to share about the importance of the thyroid gland as well as the protocol we use at our practice and with his online clients.

We always follow the numbers based on the results from a thyroid lab test, including the Thyroid Serum Panel.

Nutrition in Video:

Iodizyme, L-Tyrosine, GTA


“Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones”

“Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery”

Here’s one more video on how your thyroid and adrenal gland are connected:

Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida for natural and drugless thyroid protocols - you’ll be glad you did!

Facebook Live | #PreventSurgery Thyroid Recap

Dr. Bob was "on location" for his #PreventSurgery Facebook live event, as he discussed ways to keep your thyroid gland functioning optimally. Please visit druglessdoctor.com here and here for more information on the thyroid. To purchase Dr. Bob's Guide to Prevent Surgery, please go here.

#DruglessTips | Thyroid

During the month of January, Dr. Bob is using his #PreventSurgery campaign to help us keep our thyroid functioning at 100 percent. In this video (on location!) he shares what foods can help our thyroid and what foods might cause a subpar thyroid. For more information on his "Guide to Prevent Surgery," please go here.

TDD: Thyroid

Happy 2016 Everyone! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and New Year's with your friends and family. Now that we are in the first week of 2016, we want to make sure this year is your healthiest yet, and we have many exciting events planned for this year. January is recognized as Thyroid Awareness Month and we taped one of our "The Drugless Doctor" segments on how to help your thyroid with drugless principles. We offer multiple thyroid tests at our practice and always develop a personalized thyroid plan based on your numbers. On our sister site, druglessdoctor.com, we have a Thyroid Quiz which you can take and join us for a live event at the end of January.

To visit our chiropractic and nutrition-based practice about your thyroid, please go here.