How To Be Healthy 🥦 🥒🎾

Dr. Casen & Friend

How To Be Healthy!

 Hi Everyone! 

When we were coming up with H2H topics this year, we thought that this month’s topic may seem too “simple,” but in reality, this is the question almost everyone has: How can I be healthy? 

Below is our starting point to build your health foundation. We encourage you to watch the video and then send it on to a friend. We know, they’ll be glad you did! 


- The brain & nervous system

- Thoughts, traumas, toxins

- From before birth until now …

- Your body is self-healing & self-adapting


- Essential for healing in your body.

- Create growth hormone for healing

- Goal: 8 hrs. per night

- Have a consistent bedtime

- Minimize screen time before bed


- Create movement as a part of your life

- Helps with detoxification, blood flow, oxygen, mental health…etc.

- Goal: 20 mins/day

- Do what you love and enjoy


- Foods that cause inflammation: gluten/dairy/sugar

- Focusing on anti-inflammatory foods: proteins & vegetables

- Reading labels

- Focus on organic (due to pesticides) & fresh foods


- 85 % of your body is water

- Water goals: measurement is key

- The type of water you should be drinking

- Creating new habits- it takes 21 days

 YOUR Action Steps


Upcoming Events!  Check out our FB page @druglessdrs for all of our free classes.

Breast Thermography

A different approach to help you create a strategy of prevention and to stay healthy at any age.   Our next dates are April 28th, May 1st, and May 5th. Spaces are limited, call to schedule today with our team- 440-471-4200

Help us to reach our community!  Do you have a group, school, or business that is looking for a speaker at their next event?  Please email  We do lunch & learns, workshops, health fairs, and can tailor the talk to your needs

Next H2H-

April 1st @ noon and April 2nd @ 6pm- How To PREVENT cancer!