Improving Body Function: Posture, Food Choices, & More

Improving Body Function: Posture, Food Choices, & More

Hello Everyone, Dr. Casen and Dr. Bob coming to you from Westlake, and we are so excited to share with you how we can help to improve function naturally in your body without drugs. 

Here are the three top takeaways for you within the video (watch below): 

Number one: For us, we are chiropractors, so number one, we're working on your brain and your spinal cord. And what's really interesting, right now with stress and everything else going on, so many people today, they have this forward posture.

Maybe you don't look at your posture, but we want to encourage you right now, start looking at people's posture. And, do you have a tendency to slouch? That's one of the biggest things that we're seeing with our students and our kids right now. Whether they're in sports or they have heavy backpacks, literally every inch your head goes forward it's one bowling ball of pressure on your spinal cord.

So, we take images, we take X-rays of the spine and we can actually evaluate how your spine's moving or not moving. So, if you've never had your spine evaluated through X-rays, through films, I encourage you to schedule an appointment, especially if you have young kids. Your spine is not completely grown until you're 22.

Number two: What did you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner? What do you have planned for this week whenever you're watching us for your kids and your family? What have you prepared already for this week for that fuel in your body? It's literally like you're filling up your rocket ship.

What's kind of interesting is that most people eat between 12 and 15 foods. And this individual right here, every night they have a heavy shot of espresso with heavy cream and sugar-free vanilla syrup. You can see, every night they had that. And so, then also, so we're not here to say what food is a good or a bad food, but there's something called a nightshade: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and green pepper. We’re not saying they're good or bad, but there's some people that have issues with nightshades, and you can see I have circled Dr. C that they had potatoes every night. 

Number three: The liver is such a key organ. We do breast thermography in the office and the breasts drain into the armpit which drains into the liver. So, we know that if a woman has congestion in the armpit area they have potential to have some liver distress also compounding that. 

We know that the liver's the main filter in the body. But, you know, Dr. Casen, I wrote a book on preventing surgery, and one of the chapters in there is about spinal surgery. And I talk about the liver. We literally see the liver go down to a person's pelvis. So, if you have a liver that's not functioning optimally it can cause back pain. 

Ladies, do you have tender breasts, heavy menses? Body signals that your liver might not be functioning optimally. And gentlemen, if you're having any kind of prostate issue, your liver has to process estrogen for you also. So the liver is just one of many, many organs in the body that can impact individual health.

- And what's really interesting as we're talking about prevention, and I was thinking about this today, Dr. Bob, as we were reviewing some of these breast thermography results, it's such an illusion for you if you have low risk at something or if you're going to get your blood test done once a year. Think of how much can happen in your life, whether it's a change overall in your responsibilities, stress, activities, foods, over time those factors can contribute to other things which could be a compromised immune system, low energy, brain fog, mental health, Dr. Bob. It's all connected. So, whether it's ourselves or someone else in your life, you really wanna have a consistent wellness strategy.

With chiropractic, with nutrition, breast thermography, something that you're continually working on these habits, because it does not happen overnight and you can't expect to be happy and healthy long term if you're not really working on these habits overall.

Why don't you give them some final thoughts, Dr. Casen?

So, number one, look at your posture. Check out to see how your body's functioning on the inside. I know Dr. Bob and I talked about food choices. So start looking at what you are preparing this week for your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And if you need tips go ahead and look at our YouTube channels and our social media. And lastly, in regards to your liver health, if you do have these body signals, consider scheduling an appointment in our office or look us up online on on our global website. Contact us today for an appointment.