Product Spotlight: Intenzyme Forte

Product Spotlight: Intenzyme Forte

Hello Everyone!

We want to talk to you about some unique physiology, especially what Dr. Bob learned back in the 1980s, that at certain times of the year, certain foods can cause pain.

For example, June is the strawberry month. You can have pain in your left neck because of strawberries; July is cherries, and August is peaches. And then, in September, some of you may have an issue with tomatoes or nightshades.

Let us back up a little bit. There's a gland in your body called the pancreas. The pancreas embryologically starts around your left neck and mid-back. Still, about 180 days in gestation, that means it moved to your abdomen when you were developing inside your mother's uterus. So your pancreas moves and gets its electrical information from up here.

That's important because I know a lot of you are reading this right now; most of our patients have left neck and mid-back pain when they come into the office.

Dr. Bob is holding in his hand a product called Intenzyme Forte. Now, Intenzyme Forte has two enzymes, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Those enzymes are secreted and created by the pancreas. If you eat sugar, your pancreas itself is going to be busy working with breaking everything down, including making insulin and not having enough resources to make trypsin and chymotrypsin. You're going to have pain then. The pancreas produces trypsin and chymotrypsin. The pancreas itself can get tired when you overeat sugar.

We learned over time with our patients that those of you who are eating certain kinds of foods also have pain. For example, grapes can cause your neck to hurt. Also, if you eat watermelon at any time during the year, or if you have pineapple, you can have left neck and mid back pain. We know so many of you like to eat fruit.

Want to learn something new? Grab your wrist. Can you touch a bone? When people do the squeeze the wrist test, there's fluid in their body. You have fluid because your body's in a state of inflammation, and your body's trying to minimize the inflammation. So with the Intenzyme Forte, you want to use it on an empty stomach for inflammation. When you wake up, you could take two or three Intenzyme Forte. You could take two or three at 10:30 and two or three at 3:30 in the afternoon.

If you injure your ankle or a part of your body, you could take five or six at a time. Now, the Intenzyme Forte can also be used as a digestive enzyme. You take that digestive enzyme when you're eating. You may also use it for activities when you're eating it with a meal. Why? Because if you injure yourself, those enzymes will help take care of the inflammation. Let's say you're playing sports, football, soccer, lacrosse, or any sport. You're a bicycle rider. You're a jogger. You're a runner. And if you have inflammation, pop two or three into your body after you're done with your experience. It'll accelerate the recovery time. But come back to the pancreas if you don't want to have pain, back off sugar. If you minimize your pain, eliminate fruit for a month. We promise you'll be glad you did.