Product Spotlight: Vitamin B Nutrition

Vitamin B

Dr. Bob DeMaria of The Drugless Doctors shares what vitamin B products we use from Biotics Research Corporation.

Which Vitamin B Products are Best for You?

We’re here today to talk to you about B vitamins.

What B vitamins should you be taking? We have two different B vitamins that we use in the office. But the number one question is, "Why do you need B vitamins?"

B vitamins are an integral co-factor, and a co-factor is an ingredient that helps metabolic processes in the body. Unbeknownst to most people, what you eat becomes you. So we consume so much processed food today. Processed food means dead food. You can say, Dr. Bob, "What did you say?" Process food means dead food. How can something alive have an expiration date for two years?

So something had to be taken out of that particular food. Often when they go and they process, process means they're bringing something alive out. Your body has to scramble to make it all happen. One of the more common vitamins that are deficient are the B vitamins,

Here are some standard body signals for a B vitamin deficiency:

- Do you have sore muscles after exercise?

- Let's say you go to bed at ten and wake up at 11. That's a common body signal for a B vitamin need.

- Do mosquitoes like you? "Say, what do you mean, Dr. Bob?" Do mosquitoes like me? I'm telling you if you were to go for a walk with me, mosquitoes don't land on me. They might land on you. So if I was walking along with you and you were flapping your arms saying, oh, those mosquitoes, they keep on irritating me. I know you probably have your hand in the cookie jar. You say, well, how do you know that? Because eating sugar takes B vitamins out of the body. So I just kind of, when we're going through our consultation, say, hey, do mosquitoes bother you? And they probably go home and say to their friends, Dr. Bob or Dr. Casen, Dr. Anthony asked, do mosquitoes bother me?

We are detectives here at The Drugless Doctors. At our practice, you can come in, and we take your blood pressure. Let's say your blood pressure is 110 over 80, and you stand up, and it drops to 95 over 65. That's a body signal to us that your body could use B vitamins, especially thiamin.

We know that many of you could have mental stress, anxiety, heart palpitations, atrial fibrillation because of a B vitamin need. Now on a blood test, we look at your uric acid, and if it's slow, it means you might need some vitamin B12.

On a blood test also, we look at your carbon dioxide. The range goes from 20 to 30. If you're at 21, that tells us you probably need B vitamins. I just mentioned if your blood pressure drops from a sit to a stand, you need B vitamins. We also look at another marker called ALT and AST. Those are liver enzymes, but if those are down or low, it could mean that you need vitamin B6. Do you take the birth control pill? It's a sign of vitamin B6. A lot is going on in your body that needs B vitamins. So we have two multiple B vitamins. We have the Bio B-100, a great product, more of a low-dosage, a long-term B vitamin. We also have Bio B Complex. A little bit more potent. You don't have to take as many per day, and you don't need to take it for an extended period. You can switch to Bio B 100s.

When you look at our store, we have a GGG-B product. You say, what does that mean? Well, that's a kind of a B vitamin that has more of what we call riboflavin and choline in it. And that's for some of you that might be hearing your heartbeat on your pillow, or maybe you have restless legs. We have another one called GGG-B, and that's the kind of person who maybe has blood pressure that drops from the sit to a stand. Perhaps you have anxiety. B vitamins are very significant; they're essential; they're co-factors for optimal wealth, well, optimal health, and wellness.

You might consider picking up one of these. You may even consider having some blood tests done to know exactly what you need to take. We don't want to guess about your health.

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