The #DruglessDetox Series

The #DruglessDetox Series


Hi Everyone!

Happy 2021 - We are sure that you want to make this year as healthy as you can, and if you have been with us for any amount of time, you know that we always begin each January with the #DruglessDetox. We have put together a new four-part video series that covers the basics of detoxification, what is included in our protocol that we use at our practice, and more.

Please pass this blog post to anyone who you know can benefit, because we are here to help make a difference!

In the first video, “What is Detox?” Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen share the beginning basics of what detoxification is, including the importance of drinking water and adding more vegetables into your diet.

Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen DeMaria share with us the protocol we use for the #DruglessDetox at our practice in Westlake, OH and Naples, FL. You can also view the products below.

NutriClear Free

Pea Protein

Bio-Detox Packs

Can we ask you a question - Did you poop today? You should be having multiple bowel movements each day, and if you're not, Dr. Anthony and Dr. Casen share their tips on how to stop constipation.

We conclude the video series discussing the foods that can assist in a healthy detox.

Additional Resources:

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification - Book

Please email us today, if you would have any questions on how we can assist you further in a healthy detoxification program.