TDD: Breast Health

Yesterday we introduced a new service (breast thermography) at our practice. In yesterday's blog post, Dr. Casen shared briefly what this will look like and we will also be rolling out more information this week. In this "The Drugless Doctor" episode, we look further into breast health and how our new service is designed to help give you answers in order for you to make the best drugless decisions regarding your personal health. For more information, please contact us here, we'd love to talk to you!

Our Services: Digital Videofluoroscopy

We pride ourselves at offering our practice members, both new and "seasoned" the best technological services, so they can enjoy their life pain-free without medication. One of these services is digital videofluoroscopy. If you have pain, headaches, or other conditions that prevent optimal movement, this tool helps to give us, the doctors the answers in order to provide you with the best plan to achieve total health restoration. In the video below, Dr. Anthony gives a more detailed description.