February "Half-Hour to Health" | Prevent Cancer

Hi Everyone!

This month, our H2H was on the steps you can take to prevent cancer. Many of us have had someone who has been, or even ourselves, affected by some cancer, but did you know that there are preventable steps that you can take? Here is our outline from the talk - please listen to the audio recording below, and share with the people in your world who you know can benefit!

How to Prevent Cancer

- A hundred years ago, one in 80 Americans were diagnosed with cancer. Currently, WHO (World Health Organization) estimates 1 in 2 men, and 1 in 3 women will get diagnosed with cancer.

- Journal of Nature January 2016- 90% of all cancer related to environment and lifestyle choices.

- The average cost of any cancer treatment in the traditional model is 50k per episode.

Top Prevention Strategies

Food – Minimize carbs, sugar, and dairy – these sugars can cause the body to be a breeding ground for cancer.

Eat Organic & Non-GMO – Herbicides and pesticides compromise how your body heals.

Stay Thin – Being overweight is a significant risk factor in leading towards developing cancer/estrogen.

Supplement with Vitamin D – Supports apoptosis – the study shows one year of supplementing with vitamin D can reduce all cancer by 77%. It works by also pulling Ca++ from the intestine/glues membranes together

Minimize Toxic Exposure – This can be from an occupation or through chemicals utilized in the home.

Healthy Liver Function – Detox, castor oil pack, Livotrit, milk thistle, minimize alcohol and sugar consumption. You want to have a daily bowel movement—not every other day or so.

Happy Immune System – Having a healthy immune system will help to fight cancer. No sugar.

A. Chiropractic  B. Agrisept C. Vitamin D

Good Lymphatic System – Helps the immune system and is like the sanitation workers of the body

A. Rebound on a ball  B. Lymph Detox C. IAG D. Lymph massage

Apply one to two drops of liquid Iodine to the breasts daily. Men take 12 mg of iodine daily.

A. The urine iodine loading test is an excellent tool as is a Thyroid Profile.

Drink water - Hydrated red blood cells have more surface area and carry more oxygen

Optimal Spinal function correlates to Optimal Nervous System function; be the healthiest on earth!

The best way to beat cancer is by being healthy and staying healthy!

A great way to have a cancer check is breast thermography.

Next Breast Thermography Session: May 1st or May 4th - info@druglessdrs to schedule.

Next H2H: March 7th at Noon and March 8th at 6p