Mental Health Video Series with Dr. Bob

Mental Health Video Series with Dr. Bob

Hello Everyone!

May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, and throughout the month on Dr. Bob’s social media, he has been highlighting important topics found in his “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health” book, and today, we have included them in a complete series just for you. Please take the time to watch each, and then contact us today for us to help!

World Mental Health Day: Tips from Dr. Bob DeMaria

World Mental Health Day: Tips from Dr. Bob DeMaria

October 10th is World Mental Health Day, and one of the best resources for a holistic approach is: "Dr. Bob's Drugless Guide to Mental Health." 

Since its release, this book has helped thousands of patients from all over the world, and in the video above, Dr. Bob shares some additional thoughts that are also paraphrased below, with links to additional resources. 

Excerpt from video: 

“I've been practicing since 1978 and I really have never seen as much anxiety and depression as what I am seeing right now. 

I was born in 1954, post-World War II. I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis. People actually came to my house to build a bomb shelter. Could you imagine right now people going around thinking about creating bomb shelters? And of course, I lived through the Vietnam War. I had a draft number. I could have got drafted and had to go to the Service. So I've had a lot of stress in my personal life. And I could go on with it, just as I'm sure many of you could tell me the stories that have gone on with you. 

But back in the 1970s and '80s, I started to learn about mental health. Hence, I wrote my first book, "Dr. Bob's Guide To Stop ADHD in 18 Days". I got a lot of flack from those 18 days, because everybody thought I was being really arrogant, that I could magically cure ADHD in 18 days. It wasn't about me, it was about physiology. 

That's what I've been so fortunate to learn this. I have a degree in human biology. I used to teach human dissection. So I've really put my hands literally, into the subject of human function. So in the late '70s and early '80s, I learned about oil. You need oil for your brain. It's called DHA. If you're depressed right now, it's possible you have a low amount of DHA. We actually have a blood test. See, I didn't have a blood test back in the 2000s to be able to do this. But today, you could literally go to a lab, we use Labcorp, and have your omega blood tests checked. 

If you have depression, I'm going to tell you right now, you don't have to throw the dice to figure out what you need. If your DHA is low, that's like having an engine that's pinging, because it does not have enough oil in it. If you're a female, postpartum depression is an oil issue. A lot of times people don't realize, but young boys and men need more oil than ladies do. It's DHA. So DHA, I talk about in the book the very first chapter. It is a long-chain fat for your brain.. That's number one. You have to have good oil for your brain. And, you know, a lot of you are going to fast food restaurants, and franchise restaurants and you're eating food that you know you really are not empowering your body to be healthy. So good oil, is number one. 

Many of you also have anxiety. For whatever reason, anxiety patients for us are very hard to satisfy, because they always have something going on a million miles an hour in their brain. Most of the time you need B vitamins. Do you cry easily? Do mosquitoes like you? Do you have noise sensitivity? Does your blood pressure drop from a sit to a stand position? You need B vitamins. We use a product from Biotics called Bio-B 100s and then we have a B complex. We have two of them. The Bio-B Complex is a little bit more potent than the Bio-B 100s. Some of you, just a B vitamin alone will make a difference. So let's transition. (Contact us for nutrition)

When your body starts making this long-chain fat called DHA, it has to have co-factors. Co-factors are zinc, B6, magnesium. If you're eating sugar, and you have large pores on your face and white spots on your nails, you need zinc. You can get zinc from pumpkin seeds. But zinc is an important factor for optimal brain fat function. So a lot of you are having depression and anxiety, because you're not feeding your body right. You need to feed your body right. And if you don't, I told you all those stresses that I had in my life and I can go on with more. I have no depression and no anxiety. Well, Dr. Bob, you're lucky. It's not luck. I woke up at 4:25 this morning, and rode my bike for 15 miles. And I was born in 1954, so you do the math to figure out how old I am. So you need to create plans. So zinc was another. You already talked about B vitamins. Some of you could have some anxiety, and depression and mental challenges, because you don't have enough vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is deficient in those of you who have chosen to be plant eaters or vegetarians. 

If you want to be a plant eater, vegetarian. I, you know, that's good. I empower you for that. But, you're going to need to get some B12 in your body. 

Here are some easy, just things to do right now, because I could go on for hours talking about this: 

- You want to be in bed by 10 o'clock at night. Those hours before midnight are important for your adrenal glands. You want to carve out time to exercise every day. When I started this whole exercise, I used to get up at a quarter to seven in the morning. I was not exercising. So you have to carve time out. 

- You want to drink more water. I know it sounds simple, but I was just talking to Dr. Casen today, and people who don't drink enough water, don't have enough energy. 

- You may consider adding a B vitamin. 

- You may consider doing the Omega Test. 

In this book I talk about emotions, and health and mental health. So I want you to know this. Anger is a liver issue. Bitterness is a gallbladder issue. Sadness can impact your lungs. The spleen, which is very important for your immune system, is anxiety and worry. 

Did you hear what I just said? The spleen, which is very important for your immune system, is anxiety and worry. The kidneys are fear. So what I want you to know right now, you can make some changes. Of course, if you're on any medication, I'm not here to take you off the medication. You may consider having a consultation. I'm here to help make a difference in your life. Today, is a mental health day. And I want you to feel more empowered that you can control your future. I'm Dr. Bob DeMaria.” 

Links to “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health” 

Soft Cover 


Individual Chapters

Dr. Bob Featured on The Dr. Axe Show - Mental Health & Female Hormones

Dr. Bob Featured on The Dr. Axe Show - Mental Health & Female Hormones

The Dr. Axe Show - Episode 87 with Dr. Bob DeMaria

The Dr. Axe Show - Episode 87 with Dr. Bob DeMaria

Hi Everyone!

We had the great opportunity to be a guest on The Dr. Axe Show with Dr. Axe discussing mental health, female hormones, and a lot more.

Dr. Axe is one of the champion promoters of living a healthier life, and we are happy that so many of you have already responded with positive feedback about your experience either listening to the podcast or watching it on YouTube.

You’ll find the video below, and go here to listen on Apple Podcast or here to listen on Spotify.

Visit us today in Westlake, Ohio or Naples, Florida for chiropractic, personalized nutrition, and breast thermography. You’ll be glad you did!

Dr. Bob DeMaria on "Today with Marilyn & Sarah" - Mental Health Episodes

Dr. Bob DeMaria on “Today with Marilyn & Sarah” Mental Health Episodes

We were happy to return as a guest for two episodes on “Today with Marilyn & Sarah” to discuss the new “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health” - as important as ever, especially during Mental Health Awareness Month.

Please make sure to watch both episodes, and then pass them on to anyone who you know can benefit.

Additional Mental Health Resources

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - PDF

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - Kindle

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - Audio

Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health - Individual Chapters

Mental Health & You - Online Class

Thanks for watching - visit us in Westlake, OH and Naples, FL for chiropractic, personalized nutrition, drugless mental health help, and breast thermography.

Helping Your Mental Health Naturally

Dr. Casen & Dr. Bob

Dr. Casen & Dr. Bob

A Drugless Approach to Your Mental Health

Hi Friends, 

For our June H2H, we have Dr. Bob as our guest, as we discuss his new book, “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Mental Health.” Thanks for joining us! 

Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), as a state of well-being, in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community.

The word “mental-health” has also become increasingly popular within the last few years, and we believe that with chiropractic and drugless care, anyone can improve their state of mental health.

- Chiropractic is rooted in helping the brain and nervous system, and current research shows that chiropractic care alone can increase brain function by 20-50%!

How does someone’s mental health impact their body and current state of health?

Humans are the only animals who regularly experience a stress response without an actual stressor present:

- Common conditions include depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), drug addiction, worry, social anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks.

- Research has linked Alzheimer’s and dementia to high aluminum levels in the brain.

- Aluminum has been found in soil, water, air, processed foods, drugs, vaccines, deodorants, cosmetic products, and even different kinds of toothpaste. You may also find aluminum in plastic containers, foils, and cooking utensils.

-Conventional and traditional medical approaches include medications or therapy.

Drugless Mental-Health Protocol

- Adding a stable source of energy, in this case, protein. (Your brain uses roughly twenty percent of your energy, but is only about two percent of your body weight.)

- Add nutrients that are right for you. These include green, leafy vegetables.

- Add important antioxidants. This helps reduce oxidation and keep your brain “clean.”

- Add essential fatty acids (EFA’s): These protect the brain, decrease inflammation, and help transmit important messages to the rest of the body.

- Drink water: Each day, drink half of your body weight in ounces.

- Remove sugar, wheat, and soy products. These have been found to take essential minerals, including zinc, out from your body.

- Exercise! Find activities you like that require movement for thirty minutes a day.

- Complete an Omega Oils Serum Profile, which helps to determine which oils your body needs.


1.     Schedule an appointment to find out more

2.     Where they can purchase the book: The Drugless Doctors: Westlake Practice (Call prior so we can have it ready for you)

3. (soft cover, audio, individual chapter)

4.     Amazon: Soft cover and Kindle


Faster Results Workshop next week- Thurs. 6/11 @ 6pm on ZOOM

July H2H- July 1st @ Noon on FB Live- Clear Skin

Westlake Breast Thermography July 28th, July 31st and August 4th

Have a great month!

Testimonials: Breast Thermography, "Feeling Centered," & More

Hi Everyone!

We have three new video testimonials we would love for you to watch with us, especially if you are new to site. The first is with a practice member who shares how we have been able to help her in many areas of her health, including personalized nutrition, and breast thermography.

In our next testimonial, Dr. Casen talks with one of our practice members who shares how they feel more "centered" and balanced with chiropractic care, in addition to us assisting with helping her mental health naturally.

Last but not least, Dr. Casen interviews one of our practice members who shares that her life has come "full circle" since beginning care at our practice. No more knee pain, no more lower back pain. We love to see it!

View more testimonials here, and then come to visit us in Westlake, Ohio.

See you soon!

Natural Tips for Anxiety at The Drugless Doctors

GradePower Learning stopped by our practice to talk about natural tips to anxiety and how we are able to help with chiropractic and drugless care.

Pass this on to a friend who you know can benefit 😃

Additional Anxiety Resources:

The Drugless Approach to Anxiety & Depression

Mental Health Testimonial: Video Below

We are here to help. If anyone you know would like to consider drugless and natural care, please contact us today at (440) 471-4200.

Optimal Brain Health with The Drugless Doctors

Did you know that chiropractic is a secret weapon for optimal brain health? We have seen our practice member’s memory, ADHD, and more improve with the help of adjustments. In this month’s H2H, we go over the best nutrition for your brain and what lifestyle modifications you can start today for your brain’s health.

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